Self-care sometimes looks like Jackson Morgan Southern Cream spiked coffee floats. This weekend, slow down, sleep in, and start your Saturday with something special. You deserve more than just an everyday brew. Whether celebrating by yourself or toasting your troop and the fact you survivedthe week, sip on a Peppermint Mocha Coffee Float to welcome the weekend.
2 Scoops Peppermint Ice Cream
2 Scoops Coffee Ice Cream
2 Ounces Jackson Morgan Southern Cream in Peppermint Mocha
Add ice cream to a chilled glass, then top with Jackson Morgan Southern Cream in peppermint mocha. Then add iced coffee. Garnish with whipped cream, coffee candy, and a chocolate covered marshmallow. Enjoy.
The word is out! Jackson Morgan Southern Cream is in high demand across the country. If we’re not in your area yet, we will be soon (and we promise it’ll be worth the wait).