Frequently Asked Questions.


Find Jackson Morgan Southern Cream’s availability in your state by using our locator tab. Jackson Morgan Southern Cream’s list of distributors for each state will be listed. If available in your state, request for your favorite liquor store to carry Jackson Morgan.

Due to liquor laws, we are not allowed to sell online. However, we have several third-party online retailers that ship to most states. Those are listed at the bottom of our locator page.

Jackson Morgan is available in most states you can request for your local liquor store to carry our creams. See if it’s in your state: JM Locator

Product Information

Jackson Morgan Southern Cream has a two year shelf life. We recommend keeping Jackson Morgan away from extended periods of direct sunlight for maximum shelf life.

Jackson Morgan does not have to be refrigerated after opening, but tastes best chilled or over ice.

There are approximately 125 calories per serving size (1 1/2 ounce).


Jackson Morgan products do not contain ingredients that contain gluten, but there could be cross contamination during manufacturing or bottling. We cannot guarantee Jackson Morgan is gluten free.*

Jackson Morgan contains real dairy cream. *

*Please note Jackson Morgan Southern Cream is not qualified to give medical advice and you should consult with your doctor before consuming our creams if you have a food allergy.


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