To prep for the party, in my experience, it has been easiest to go ahead and hot glue the gingerbread houses together before guests arrive. This allows your friends and family to get right down to the fun festive part of the process which is to embellish the built houses with icing and candies. Here is a tool tip we have found forever helpful: butter spreaders work wonders for icing the roof and sides of the house. It has also always seemed sensible to us to have the supplies set up on the table for easy access. Break out the mini marshmallows, colorful candies, peppermints, sprinkles, gumballs, candy canes, and other festive favorites. An interesting trick we have picked up along the way is to use frosted shredded wheat for the illusion of snowy roofs on your gingerbread houses. Organize the icing choices by filling clear piping bags so you can see the color inside. Tie each with a pretty ribbon and store in a tall glass between uses.
Don’t forget the most important ingredient in this recipe for a jolly good time – Jackson Morgan Southern Cream! Fill your merry Jackson Morgan red coffee mugs with spiked hot chocolate perfect for sipping during the decorating process.
You can shop this post below. All images Christy Wilson Photography for Jackson Morgan Southern Cream.