To keep with the dark and dreary color scheme, we went with a black cart to organize our options. Since the bar cart is the “bones” of any spooky soiree, you can call up your most qualified barista buddy, or display a “deadly” dedication to your decor and set up a skeleton to serve up your party potions!
We swear by serving Jackson Morgan Southern Cream cocktails to ensure our social gatherings are a scream. For fall, we are especially enchanted by whipped orange, salted caramel, and brown sugar flavors. Whatever you set out to sip on, label your libation offerings with hand-lettered signs by Ruthie and Oliver Letterpress. This helps all your ghoulish guests to pick and pour their own poisons and potions!
Serve up your swanky swigs in Jackson Morgan mason jar plastic cups with lids. Not only are these perfect party favors, but lids prevent spills and snack-cidents during the show. To top things off, slurping through a striped straw with a spunky spider just makes the swigs go down smoother! Be terrifyingly thoughtful by providing drink carriers for those superhero samaritans who will take on the duty of delivering multiple drinks to their fellow film-watchers. They will thank you for thinking ahead.
Break out the cauldron, a recipe for a cryptic cocktail is creeping this way. Stay tuned for this potion prescription.